Q: I have a Canon 5D. Any recommendations for a compatible telescope?
A: You have a high-end camera that deserves high-end equipment. I am so happy with my first telescope/mount combination (TeleVue NP101is/Losmandy GM8) that I continue to recommend it four years after I purchased it. Ultimately, selecting a telescope is a highly personal proposition, and your budget and anticipated uses will determine which is THE right telescope for you. There is a lot of worthwhile material on the Web about the best telescope for particular application.
Here are links to some posts that provide a sense of how I have thought through some of my selection decisions:
Jim’s Astrophotography Equipment
Getting over Aperture Fever
Trying Out a Used Celestron C11
Rationalizing a GOTO Telescope Mount
Finding Barnard’s Star
Planning to Build an Observatory
© James R. Johnson, 2015.