Category Archives: Camping Report

Brief descriptions of dark sky camping trips.

West Summerland Key, FL

Winter Star Party with Doug Biernacki from February 5 – 11, 2024.

This was my second Winter Star Party. The decision to go to last year’s WSP was made just seven weeks before arrival. Having made the decision to attend the 2024 WSP at the end of the 2023 WSP resulted in a year-long, focused effort to prepare for this year’s event.

The travel itenerary was similar to least year’s. Staying in a different hotel was the only major change. The Superbowl was on Sunday evening during the drive back to Maryland. We picked Snazzy’s as the viewing venue after viewing websites. That turned out to be a good choice. We arrived just 20 minutes prior to kick off, and got a good table with a great TV view.

Weather was a challenge again this year. The image above was taken on arrival day after the second major downpour of the day. That night was completely shut out by clouds and all of the other night’s conditions were suboptimal due to passing clouds or high winds.

In spite of the weather, I was able to capture about twelve hours of integration time. This data has not been processed yet so I don’t know anything about its quality at this point. I suspect to find a lot of frames ruined by the weather. One thing is for sure, my imaging skills were much better this year than last.

This year I had NINA sequences that covered all night for all six nights. Even though the weather disrupted this plan, it was a good point of departure for reacting to the weather impacts.

The lessons learned from last year made a big difference this year, as did knowing more about what to expect. Due to the place where the SCAS staff parked me, I was unable to point the camper northward to avoid afternoon sun under the awning. The major lesson learned from this year was that If we want to image on the last night, which potentially means being awake much of the night, and having to take down the telescopes in the morning while trying to depart the campground by 1000, then it might make sense to plan on a three-day drive home with a very short drive on the first day.

Winter Star Party - 2024-02-05

Harney, MD

Farm XI with Doug Biernacki, December 13-15, 2023

This 11th trip to the Farm by Doug and I represents a significant expansion of our dark sky camping capabilities. Firstly, this was our first two-night trip to the Farm, which is significant because there were no on-site support facilities. Any support needed to be either brought with us, or obtained by a run back to the civilized world. Secondly, low temperatures of 19 and 21 degrees were significant because we demonstrated the ability to sustain ourselves in harsh weather and still manage astrophotography sessions.

Surprisingly, a near solstice day after a night of astronomy is very short. We woke up at 0910 (because we had been awake until the wee hourse of the morning), and we needed to be starting up our next session at around 1600. This left less than seven hours to analyze the results of the night before, prepare for the next night, and to make a run to Gettysburg to get gasoline for the generator, propane for the camper furnace, and food for ourselves.

All-in-all, it was a very rewarding trip.

Farm XI - 2023-12-15 06:51L
About a week before the solstice, a heavy frost lies on the ground at dawn after a long night of astrophotography at the Farm.

Harney, MD

Farm X with Doug Biernacki, November 13-14, 2023

Life and weather teamed up to keep us away from the Farm in September, so this was a much-needed trip. Weather conditions had changed dramatically since last trip. Moderate September conditions were long gone, and replaced by much colder temperatures. The low on temperature for the night was 27 degrees. On the positive side, 11 1/2 hours of prime imaging time was avaliable.

Sky conditions were great. Transparency seemed perfect and seeing seemed better than predicted and a heavy frost had fallen upon the equipment.

Doug’s targets were Pac-man Nebula and Heart Nebula. My targets were Triangulum Galaxy and Casper the Friendly Ghost Nebula. My session was interrupted at 0240 by a Windows update that I forgot to turn off.

Farm X - 2023-11-13/14 - Harney MD
Image by Doug Biernacki.

Harney, MD

Farm IX with Doug Biernacki September 14-15, 2023

Five weeks had passed since our last opportunity to visit to the Farm for dark site astrophotography, and we were surprised at one big change. In August we found that prime imaging time between the end of astronomical twlilight and the beginning of astronomical dawn to be barely 5 1/2 hours. As a result of seasonal change, we found three additional hours, and were grateful for the chance to collect even more data.

A more moderate temperature was another welcome change. We found that camp and equipment setup was much less of a burden and we were a lot less fatigued when it came time to do some serious work at the telescopes.

And one last surprise is that we found better sky conditions than in August. Technical issues kept both of us to starting our imaging runs as soon as the sky was dark enough. Otherwise, we would have been able to image during the entire period of darkness.

Farm IX - 2023-09-14 19:10L

Harney, MD

Farm VIII with Doug Biernacki August 16-17, 2023

After being completely smoked out and clouded out, or finding a bright Moon in the sky for the past several weeks, this as a welcome opportunity get under a dark sky.

Most importantly, this was Dougs first dark sky trip with a new camera and a new mount. We had put a lot of work getting him ready, and it paid off.

Although the forcast was for good sky conditions from dusk until dawn, lingering clouds at dusk got us off to a late start, and I found that clouds had rolled in by 0230, so I am not sure how much data I collected.

My target was the North America Nebula to try to improve on my last image.

The heat of the afternoon had me moving rather slowly, but I got going pretty good as the approach sunset began to cool things down. The evening was rather cool, and the low temperature as 59 degrees. There was moderate dew after midnight.

Harney, MD

Farm VII with Doug Biernacki July 11-12, 2023

This was my first opportunity to work on DSO imaging under a dark sky since correcting the ring problem by flocking the focuser draw tube.

The purpose of this trip was to prepare Doug for the upcoming arrival of his Losmandy G11G by running through my start to finish process for an image session to give him a sense of the end result that you will be striving for as we as we begin to groom his software for the new mount’s arrival. Our target for this session was to image the North America Nebula.

This trip was a little earlier and the lunar cycle than our normal visits just before and just after the New Moon. This is because clouds and smoke precluded any astronomic activity around the June New Moon period, so we wanted to take advantage of a long-overdue clear sky with good seeing and good transparency. The was about 25% illuminated.

With the exception of an injury that required a trip to the Gettysburg hospital, the sesson went very well, and we captured some pretty good data.

The overnight low temperature was down a comfortable 53 degrees, so the furnace was not needed.

North America Nebula - 2023-07-11
The Farm VII - 2023-07-11 06:31 EDT

Harney, MD

Farm VI with Doug Biernacki May 17-18, 2023

This was my first opportunity to work on DSO imaging under a dark sky since Winter Star Party in February. I was able to build on what I had learned there, and at home under light polluted skies at home to have a pretty decent result.

One of my primary objectives on this trip was to determine if light polluted skies where the source of a flat frame calibration problem that I have been workinhg on, and since the problem persisted, I concluded that light pollution is not the source of the problem. The target for this test was the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)

The forecast was for a transparent sky with poor seeing. It turns out that the sky was not quite as transparent as the forecast suggested. Some HAL members reported the same observation, and one suggested that the reduced transparency was due to Canadian wildfires.

Interestingly, every trip to the Farm before this one has be fraught with dew. The forecast was for low humidity, and there was not a drop of dew. Observed conditions were 36% humidity, reaching a high of 52% overnight. Before this trip I had surmised that the Farm was an inherently flawed location for astronomy due to the close proximity of the Monocacy River.

The temperature was down to a brisk 35 degrees overnight, but the camper was a welcome respite from the cold.

Astronomy at the Farm VI - 2023-05-18 0937 Local
Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) - 2023-05-17
Whirlpool Galaxy
Markarian's Chain - 2023-05-17 - Partial Capture
Markarian’s Chain of Galaxies

Greenville, OH

Eclipse Scouting Trip with Doug Biernacki from 2023-04-03 to 23-04-05.

Although no astronomy, per se, was done, and the trip with about a daytime sky a year hence, I felt it worthwhile to log this trip in this space.

The object was to scout campgrounds, and if possible, make a reservation to cover the date of the solar eclipse. It turns out that the site campground that we liked best based on online review alone was the one that we liked best, and we secured a reservation.

The owners let us in about a week prior to their planned opening day, and the were very hospitable. The campground was great, and we found plenty of open sky where the sun will be during the eclipse.

Looking forward to next year!

Eclipse Scouting Trip - 2023-04-04

West Summerland Key, FL

Winter Star Party with Doug Biernacki from February 13 – 19, 2023.

WSP is more than just a six day event, it is a great winter project. The large investment of time and money really makes it a big deal. Having a successful event required careful planning based on incomplete knowledge, especially for the first time attending.

Overall, the trip was a great adventure that began upon departure at 0700 on February 11th, and concluded upon return home on February 20th. If nothing else, a week fantastic weather in the Keys was worth it. We had two great nights of astronomy and one fair night. The wind and clouds hampered astronomy on the other three nights. All-in-all, I consider the trip a complete success.

A huge benefit of this trip is that my confidence in taking the camper out on extended trips is greatly increased. It made for a very comfortable field accomodations.

Making the decision on December 19th completely focused my mind from that point until the gate opened on February 13th. At decision time, I had just completed a five-month run of planetary imaging that did not include any DSO imaging. The preparations were able to get me out to the telescope more this winter than any winter before, and reach a basic level of DSO capture and processing competence. Another benefit of this preparatory time is that given the changes in how my body responds to the cold in recent years, I have had to re-learn how to deal with cold weather.  In those respects WSP has been a very positive forcing function.

A rundown of my lessons learned follow.

WSP Specific:

Register in early November. Doing this will get us motivated to start honing imaging skills and tuning equipment earlier. Better choices for a staging stopover near Wesumkee should be available as well.

Arrive at the SCAS presentation/drawing early to find shade and bring chairs.

I’ll just note here that the two WSP-specific lessons learn is a testimate to how careful study and planning prevents surprises once boots were on the ground.


It takes a lot of effort to to tune equipment and improve skills to a desired level. In addition to the effort, the number of clear nights that it takes is a pacing function that spreads the effort over more time than we tend to anticipate.

Packing the Cherokee and camper on the day before departure and unpacking it on the day after arrival greatly simplified the departure and arrival process. This practice might be worth considering  on a case by case basis for other star parties.

If possible, park camper with tongue pointing north. In this orientation the morning sun will be on the door/awning side, and the door/awning side will be in the afternoon shade.

Where the observing field has not been marked off into observing spots, make land claims for camper, truck, and scopes immediately on arrival. In my estimation, we knew that we needed to do this, but had a less than optimal outcome because we tried to overthink it. The sequence should be to park the camper and level it from side to side before disconnecting, disconnect the truck and park it, and set tripods in the desired location. Final leveling and setup of the camper, and set up of equipment can then happen at a leisurely pace.

While on the road, scout out decent food locations.

Consider camp food options other than the food truck. What options are there that don’t require a lot of prep and cleanup time?

Be prepared for wind – observatory tent or similar.

Be prepared for rain – a light pancho will do. Setting up camp in Savannah could have been a lot worse if it had been just a little colder. Got rained on at Camp Wesumkee, but getting wet was ok down there.

Don’t favor DSO over planetary, or the other way around for extended periods of time, because the ignored skill set almost completely disappears.

Winter Star Party 2023 - 2023-02-13
West Summerland Key, FL - 2023-02-15 07:06L
Winter Star Party 2023 - 2023-02-15

Harney, MD

Farm V with Doug Biernacki November 4-5, 2022.

Between personal schedules and adverse weather forecasts, Doug and I did not make it to the Farm for DSO imaging and observing over the last new Moon period.

We were looking for an opportunity to try out some gear that would support colder weather trips, and this night was the first that came up. There was a bright gibbous Moon in the sky, and Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were well-placed for obsering and photographing, so we brought our planetary imaging equipment.

The sky was clear from well before dark and until scattered high thin clouds rolled in at 0100, and we ended our observing sessions well after midnight. There was minimal dew until after midight.

A highlight of this trip was the use of the camper’s furnace. At a low setting it was able to keep the inside of the camper in the high-50s with ease. In order to be sure that we could run the furnace (the fan part of it) all night, we brought a small, quiet, portable generator. As a bonus, were were able to poer our astronomical equipment with wall power. I can see that having the furnace and wall power for astronomy camping can be addicting.

The trip with was succeful from both an astronomical perspective, and from a new gear perspective. We are definitely able to make trips in colder weather than before.

Astronomy at the Farm V - 2022-11-04 08:43 EDT
Farm V
© James R. Johnson, 2022.

Harney, MD

Farm IV with Doug Biernacki September 9-10, 2022.

Trips to the farm by Doug Biernacki and I are usually reserved for DSO astronomy on dark sky nights around the New Moon. As those pristine skies are few and far between, we did not want to risk taking the camper out for the first time only to find it interfering with a rare astronomy opportunity.

Once the camper was ready for a trip, we decided that we would haul it to the farm at the first opportunity. This opportunity happened to be the night of the Harvest Moon. With sky conditions more suitable for planetary and lunar imaging, so that is what we did on this trip. .

The sky was clear from well before dark and until scattered high thin clouds rolled in at 0100, and we ended our observing sessionas at around 0130. Dew that we experienced was “normal dew” compared to past visits. The temperature stayed above 60 degrees, and it started to get chilly after prolonged exposure. Clouds had rolled in by sunrise when this image was taken.

An interesting change at the farm. What had been a soybean field adjacent to our campsite was planted in corn this year.

The first trip with the camper was a great success! We are hopeful that this shelter will allow us to extend the astronomy camping season well into the colder months.

Astronomy at the Farm IV - 2022-09-10 07:15 EDT
© James R. Johnson, 2022.

Harney, MD

Farm III with Doug Biernacki June 30-July 1, 2022.

This was my first trip to a dark sky site with the ZWO ASI6200 DSO imaging camera.

In addition to just absolutely enjoying the chance to get back out in the field, it was rewarding to see my DSO setup doing everything that I asked of it. I am not expecting a lot from my images, because I wasn’t on my A game, and didn’t ask everything of my setup that I should have. Although every aspect of running the equipment has been rehearsed and tweaked over the past couple of months, the Jim part of making it all happen correctly in the field was new, and I didn’t execute as well as I could have.

Once again we experienced extraordiary dew, which shut us down at about 0200.

Astronomy at the Farm - 2022-06-30 06:30 EDT
Farm III
© James R. Johnson, 2022.

Little Orleans, MD

HAL Remote Impromptu with Victor Sanchez May 21-22, 2021.

This was a very spur of the moment trip at Victor’s invitation. It was about a 90 minute drive. I took the Wrangler and a small tent.

The sky was at least Bortle Class 3, and the Milky Way was clearly visible. There were local direct lights that would be an issue for visual observers trying to maintain dark adaptation. The lights are not an issue for imagers as long as a dew sheild keeps the direct light off of the front glass.

This was the first time that I imaged with with the GM8 after doing the Gemini II upgrade. I still have some issues to work out.

I worked out a couple of issues that I wish had been found and taken care of before the trip, but that didn’t diminish how much that I enjoyed the trip.

I was up imaging until 0400 at which time I had done as much as I could do. I was tired and cold, so I jumped into a sleeping bag and checked out.

I would go to this site again in the off season (spring or fall), but I hear that it is crowed with in the summer time.

Astronomy Camping at Little Orleans Camp Ground
HAL Impropmtu
© James R. Johnson, 2022.

Harney, MD

Farm II with Doug Biernacki October 14-15 2020

This was my second trip to image with the Canon 60Da to see if I was ready to graduate to a dedicated and cooled astronomy camera.

This time we took a tent, which was great because it was very dewy again.

There were some lingering clouds after sunset, which delayed me a little in getting started. Also, clouds rolled in around 0030 which is when I shut down.

I was able to successfully image Andromeda Galaxy, and I made the decision to proceed with acquiring a dedicated astronomy camera.

I hope to have the camera by the time we return.

© James R. Johnson, 2022.

Spruce Knob, WV

NOVAC New Moon Weekend with Doug Biernacki September 28-30, 2019

On New Moon Weekends, NOVAC members, which Doug and I are, are permitted access to the observing field that is used for AHSP. These weekends, as the title suggests, are around the time of the New Moon, which are great DSO observing opportunities.

We had been itching to go and watching the weather all summer, and found busy schedules or weather that was not worth driving four hours for. Adding to the pressure is that its starts getting pretty chilly there in the mountians in Octobor.

As the late September New Moon Weekend rolled around, we saw a forcast that looked ok, but not great. At home we had experienced enough of thse forecasts that actually turned out to be great observing weather, so we packed up and took off.

We brought our own food and sheltered in the large tent, so we were completely self-sufficient save for using the Learning Center’s restroom/shower facility, and we were on the deck at the yurts for a few minutes to connect to let families know that we had arrived safely and to check the weather.

It turned out that we were the only two observers on the AHSP observing field that usually host 450 observers each year.

The weather was better than forecast on the first evening, and we got in some great observing time. Even though it was about as bad as we expected on Sunday, we did get some observing in. I let Doug use my Meade/G11 while I was working with the 60Da and camera lens to try to capture some of the distant thunderstorm activity to the south, and some wide field shots of the Milky Way. Non of my images turned out at all.

We had very little interaction with the Learning Center staff at Spruce Knob. We encountered a fella upon arrival who told us that we could set up any where we’d like, so we occupied the the tent-only  camping knoll. Other than that we had little interaction with the staff.

This was a very enjoyable trip, that I hope to do again next year. I hope to that my DSO astrophotography skills have greatly improved by then.

Spruce Knob 20190928/29 (1)
Spruce Knob, New Moon Weekend
© James R. Johnson, 2021.

Harney, MD

The Farm with Doug Biernacki August 18-19, 2020.

A friend with whom Doug and I worked before all three of us retired over the past couple of years allowed us to come to his family’s farm for astronomy. It turns out that Doug and our friend knew of each other from when Doug’s Boy Scout troop when there several time during his childhood.

My focus was on DSO imaging in a dark sky with the Canon EOS 60Da. This was part of an effort to demonstrate to myself that I am ready to graduate to a dedicated, cooled, astronomy camera. My target for this trip was Eastern Veil Nebula, which I successfully imaged and processed.

NGC 6960 Witch's Broom Nebula 2020-08-18 0258 UTC
Witches Broom Nebula

The sky conditions were very good for us. There were some lingering clouds at sunset that cleared right out. We believe that the sky was Bortle Class 4 or better, as we were able to clearly see the Milky Way.

Fog rolled in at about 0130. We could still see the sky straight up, but mositure was dripping off of our equipment.

Our plan was to image for a long as we wished, and then crash out under the pop up awning. This would prevent us from having to drive an 1.5 hours in the dark while completely exhausted. This all worked well, except dew formed on the inside of the awning and dripped on us while we were sleeping. We woke up cold, wet, and miserable.

This is a great place to do astronomy. It is reachable on short notice and after a short drive. I hope to visit the Farm again. Next time we’ll bring a tent.

Astronomy at the Farm - Doug Biernacki - 2020-08-18
The Farm
© James R. Johnson, 2022.

Green Bank, WV

Star Quest 2019 with Doug Biernacki June 26-29, 2022.

This was a very interesting site for a star party. I liked several things about it, but I think that I would choose ASHP over this one in the future.

I took a Fort Mead A-liner pop up. We were set up in a grassy field, near the portapotty and battery charging station. Meals, taken in a mess hall-like facility and showers were a bit of a walk.

This site has great dark skies, almost as dark as Spruce Knob. Many of the talks left me disappointed. While some “known” names were invited, they were not speaking on topics in which they had expertise. I felt that the talk was based on a web search that anyone could do.

On the last night there, the host organization had organized a public star party that I didn’t know anything about until people showed up asking for views while I was struggling with a technical issue.

Star Party at Green Bank National Radio Observatory (2019)
Green Bank National Radio Observatory
© James R. Johnson, 2022.

Spruce Knob, WV

Almost Heaven Star Party 2018 with Doug Biernacki September 7-11, 2018

This star party was dominated by very slow moving remanents of Hurricane Florene. Even so, I thoroughly enjoyed the trip.

I arrived on 9/7, set up a Fort Mead A-liner camper, and I set up the NP101 on the GM8. There were clouds all around, but I was able to get some views until about 2130, at which time the sky was completely clouded over.

Doug arrived on 9/8. It remained cloudy during the day but started raining by nightfall. The rain continued most of the rest of the trip, sometimes driven by 40-50 mph winds.

NOVAC hosted several very interesting talks, which we took in. There was a couple of HAL members present as well. We especially enjoyed getting to know Alan. We also were able to visit the NOVAC observatory that is near the AHSP venue. It was interesting to compare what I was seeing there with the work that Chas and I had been doing in the HAL observatory.

The rain let up before it was time to pack up and leave. I am interested in attending another ASHP.

© James R. Johnson, 2022.

Gordonsville, TN

Solar Eclipse Expedition, August 20-22, 2017

A sketch of this trip was planned a year in advance, but the final eclipse observation site was not to be selected until the early morning hours on the day of the eclipse.

Generally, the plan was to drive to Louisville, KY on August 20th, and make a preliminary assessment that evening of weather and location for the best possible eclipse viewing conditions. The final decision would be made the next morning after another check of the weather. The possible decisions would be to either drive west into Missouri, or south and east into Tennessee in the hours before the eclipse. After the the eclipse, I would return to Lousiville for another night instead of trying to make it home amid eclipse traffic, and begin the journey home the next morning.

In the days prior to the trip, I conducted a map study and identified ten locations along the centerline of the eclipse path. The sites that I selected were typically large shopping center parking lots or church parking lots. Five were in Missouri and five were in Tennessee.

The trip went exactly as planned. Upon arrival in Louisville, the weather assessement was strongly in favor of Tennessee as the direction of my drive to an eclipse viewing site. That assessment held the next morning, and I selected a rest stop on I40 near Gordonsville, TN as the viewing site.

I woke up at 3am on the morning of the eclipse. After checking the weather I was on the road to Gordonsville. The trip down was about three hours, and completely uneventful.

I arrived at the rest stop at 0630 expecting that I would be the only eclipse viewer there, and that I would find an isolated corner of a parking lot away from the visitors center. Instead I found that about 30 people had already arrived to stake their claim and set up equipment. I selected a spot and did the same. Over the course of the morning about 2,500 other people arrived at the visitor center before the State Highway Patrol stopped admitting visitors at 1030.

The crowd was completely unexpected, but the TN DOT and Highway Patrol handled the situation very well. The restrooms remained open and functional the entire period.

The eclipse occured at its appointed time, and the crowds that had trickeled into the rest area, and hundreds of other viewing sites, were suddenly back on the road. Traffic was bumper to bumper, and moving slowly if at all. I considered heading home instead of back to Louisville, but that was about 11 hours away without any traffic. I stayed on plan and headed back to Louisville, probably hitting the road at about 1430.

I made it back to Louisville at 2230, sleep deprived after a very long and eventful day. I turned in for some much needed sleep without setting an alarm. The trip back home the next day was uneventful, and I carried with me memories that would never be forgotten.

Spruce Knob, WV

Almost Heaven Star Party with Lisa September 3-6, 2016.

Memorable moments:

Lisa’s first camping trip. Parking was in a nearby lot, so the procedure was to drive in, drop off the gear, and remove the vehicle from the tent area. I could see Lisa looking at all of the stuff in a rather panicked manner, so I rushed off to park the Jeep and quickly returned to put here to work. She was fine after the tent (large enough to stand up and walk around in) was up. We were off of the ground in a double cot.

This was Lisa’s first time seeing the Milky Way. It was visible well before before dark. Lisa had noticed it and thought it was passing clouds.

We had never seen so many stars. There were so many that it was difficult to pick out the constellations.

James Stack and I used the Meade LX850 (12″ f/8) for visually observering many many targets over two nights. I was astounded by the amount of M31/Andromeda detail that was visible. This was the first time that I was able to see more than the fuzzy blob of the core at the eyepiece. I had heard that a dark sky would do more than either aperture or focal length to bring a better view to the eyepiece. Although I kinda understood this all along, the concept was forever etched in my mind on this trip.

SKWV is a great venue, and ASHP is definitely a star party that I would like to do again.

© James R. Johnson, 2022.

Wellsville, PA

York County Star Party with Keith Evans, July 27-28.

I must say that I really enjoyed my very first regional star party, and i hope to repeat that experience again some time.

The site was along side the runway on a grass strip airfield. There was a great food vendor, and about 20 other observers set up. Our shelter plan was to empty the back of the Grand Cherokee for me to sleep in the back. Keith wanted to sleep in the front passenger seat.

I spoke to one attendee who towed a 13′ Scamp behind his car. I thought that was very neat, and was determined to look into getting one.

JoAnn Shapiro, a HAL member that I had just met a week before at breakfast with Marty Cohen was there.

I brought my Meade LX850 (12″ f/8), and was equipped for visual observing. I saw many targets during the course of the night, and I was definitely able to see more detail than at HAL’s Alpha Ridge. With M31, for instance, I was able to see not only the fuzzy central disk blob, I was able to clearly see on spiral arm and dust lane in front of it.

We observed until about 0245, at which time high clouds started to move in, and we were too tired to go any more, so we shut down to get some rest. I was too tired to clear some room in the back of the Grand Cherokee, so I put my sleeping gear on the ground a crashed.

Waking up at 0630 was a wild scene. I was soaked from the dew, roosters were crowing, and cows were mooing.

Breakfast was good. I would like to do this again.

© James R. Johnson, 2021.