DSO Equipment Tuning

Even though it was still cloudy, I put my faith in the forecast and set up at 1630. That went well, and I didn’t stumble over anything.

I went back out at after dinner (2000) to power up, and that went very well too. It was about 60 degrees, and everything was dry. Power up went well, and I was able to get all devices connected to NINA without issue. Polar alignment was just a little, and I attribute that to settling and exposure to high winds.

On my slew to equator and meridian for calibration, the dec axis stopped slewing (along with the lag error and beep). I tried slewing away from where it bound up and coming back, but I couldn’t get through that point. Powered down and left the mount positioned as it was. With the binding point identified, maybe I can find out why it is binding.

The entire session lasted fifteen minutes.

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