
I ventured out to image the sun as soon as it cleared the trees this morning, which I could ascertain by noting that the scope was out of the tree shadows. As I crossed the driveway at 1030 I noticed that clouds were coming in from the west, so I hurried along.

The temperature was 43 degrees, and there was an occasional moderate breeze. Seeing seemed about average. Set up consisted of uncovering the NP101/G11, attaching the ASI178, and connecting to power.

I was set up and started imaging at 1042.  I completed four close up images of four regions with 300 frames each using the ASI178MC by 1047. I had intend to switch over to the 60Da to get a full disk image for context, but the clouds were already upon me. Not seeing a break in the clouds, I started putting everything away and was finished with that task by 1055.

The good: I was very fluid and efficient with my activities and was able to complete all tasks without fumbling around at all. Making it a point to get out at every opportunity seems to be paying off. I know that DSO work varies a lot, but I hope that some of these gains transfer over.

The bad: I realized as I was taking camera off of the scope that I wanted my next solar session to be with the ASI290, but with the clouds upon me I didn’t have time for a do-over. Also, the motes visible on the display reminded me that I sill need to clean my optics.

I think that I have good images of AR2978/81, AR2983, and AR 2985. According to, the AR2975/76/84 group of active regions is partially visible on the right limb while the leading portions of the group have already set behind the limb. Although I could not see any of these spots on the display, I imaged where I thought that the ought to be.

Technique: I was able to determine where the AR2975/76/84 group of regions ought to be because 1) I know what sunspots transit the visible surface as seen from earth at approximately the same solar latitude, 2) there was another AR on roughly the same northern latitude as the 75/76/84 group, and 3) I had my camera axes aligned with the mount (which in turn means that it is aligned with the solar NSEW axes). After centering on the visible group at the northern latitude, I simply slewed westward by pressing only the west arrow button until I reached the western limb. We’ll see what processing gives me.

The Sun - 2022-04-04 14:46UTC - AR2978 AR2981
The Sun - 2022-04-04 14:43 - AR2983
The Sun - 2022-04-04 14:45 UTC - AR2985

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